Trying new things to thwart the Dark Side… Story on ZDNet
Month: October 2022
This stealthy hacking campaign uses a new trick to deliver its malware
You think that you have never been attacked, but they could have been sitting on the inside for 18 months while they patiently set things up. Story on ZDNet
Cranefly uses new communication technique in attack campaigns
Cybercriminals are constantly coming up with new methods to handle Command and Control Communications. Story on TechRepublic
OpenSSL warns of critical security vulnerability with upcoming patch
More on the OpenSSL situation… Story on ZDNet
2022 cyber threat report details growing trends
SonicWall’s semi-annual report is out. Story on TechRepublic
These cybersecurity vulnerabilities are most popular with hackers right now – have you patched them?
Vulnerabilities with patches CANNOT be how your organization gets compromised – seriously! Story on ZDNet
What to Do When You’ve Been Hacked
You’ve been hacked. What do you do now? Story on PCMag
Ransomware Group Bypasses Windows 10 Warnings
More Ransomware worries… Story on eSecurity
LOCKING THE BACK DOOR (Pt. 4 of “Why Don’t You Go Dox Yourself?”)
Cisco has an entire series on how to Lock the Back Door on Personal Information. Story on Cisco
3 Steps Small Businesses Can Take to Prevent Cyberattacks
Another article on things everyone can implement to protect themselves. Story on Dark Reading